Updated : Friday, February 14, 2025

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Respected Sir / Madam,

  • Author photo various diseases, their symptoms and their treatment available in the area and the state. This website has been launched to familiarise people about diseases, their symptoms and treatment. Many people lose precious time and money in search of proper doctor and treatment. Because of lack of specific treatment, the disease progresses and reaches to an incurable stage. Had the patient approached the right doctor for treatment in initial stage, the disease could have been treated. Many valuable lives are lost in this manner.
  • This website provides a range of services to both healthcare consumers and the medical professionals. It is a social mission to provide the consumers with essential health related information in simple language.
  • The site recommends registration to fully utilize its services that are all free for people. Doctors, hospital administrators, conference organizers, Doctors, Hospitals, Nursing-Homes, Chemists, Surgical suppliers, Pharmaceuticals and manufacturers of medical appliances can register themselves and help us in serving the society.
  • The website maintains various email lists to keep interested members of the general public and health care professionals informed about health news and important product information.
  • The website is dedicated to provide knowledge & useful information right from diseases, its cause, precautions remedies through different therapies. It also contains and research articles & even pages on the achievement of doctors. It also provides specialized information about the problems faced by females.


  1. Directory containing information about all the three types of Doctors - Allopathic, Homoeopathic and Ayurvedic.
  2. Directory about Hospitals, Nursing-homes and the facilities available there in.
  3. Blood Bank Directory.
  4. Eye Bank Directory.
  5. Directory about Manufacturers of medicines, and Manufacturers of Medical Appliances.
  6. News archive Latest News regarding medical camps, Seminars, Symposia and health conferences.
  7. We provide links to different websites related to Health and medical sectors.
  8. Information about the Medicines,
  9. Information about Specialist Medical personnel, Specific diseases and their treatment by E-mail or request.
  10. Information received from Hospitals, Nursing-Homes and Manufacturers of Medicines and Medical Appliances.
  11. Our main aim is to guide the patients in right direction for treatment.
  • We request all the Doctors, Proprietors of Hospitals, Nursing-homes, Medicine Manufacturing companies and the Companies Manufacturing Medical appliances to register on our website. The Doctors are registered FREE OF CHARGE. Doctors are requested to let their colleagues know about our website.
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