Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a functional disorder of the intestine. It can occur at any age but occurs mainly at adulthood or middle age. Mainly women suffer from IBS.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms

Symptoms of IBS may vary from person to person. The primary symptoms of IBS are bloating, abdominal pain, and discomfort. Some other symptoms of IBS are mucus in stool, constipation, changes in bowel habit, cramping in lower abdomen and diarrhea. For some people symptoms of IBS may come and go but for some it may be constant. The symptoms may worsen in women during their periods.

Causes for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are yet not known

Causes of IBS are yet not known. It has been found that colons of people suffering from IBS are more sensitive than normal people. The muscles may contract soon after meal and thus cause cramping or diarrhea. The nerves may be sensitive to bowel movements.

Herbs like chamomile,valerian are effective due to their antispasmodic properties

Take peppermint oil in enteric-coated capsules. Herbs like chamomile, valerian, rosemary and lemon balm are effective due to their antispasmodic properties. Drink ginger tea or eat ginger raw to reduce inflammation. Eat amla to control indigestion and hyperacidity.

Eat fiber rich food

Eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat a fiber rich food. Fiber improves working of intestine and stabilizes the symptoms. Avoid caffeine and fat. They may cause cramps in intestine. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Avoid carbonated beverages. Gas produced due to their consumption will worsen the symptoms. Eat small meals frequently instead of a large meal. Eat foods which contain good amount carbohydrates e.g. rice, pasta and so on.

Other suggestions for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Exercise regularly. Do not take tension. De-stress your life. Do not take laxatives too often